Chaos to Control: A System to Optimize Your Productivity
Matthew Schirm
Delivered as an instructional course in Notion, the Chaos to Control system is a calendar, task manager, planner, and journal, all rolled into one system to fully optimize your productivity, once and for all.
Here's why you'll love it:
- The fundamentals of the system are easy to customize.
- It’s completely digital. NO PAPER!
- You’ll get more done in less time (the definition of productivity).
- You’ll have more time for your family and you’ll be more present with them during that time (because you’ll plan for it).
- You’ll stick to your disciplines and habits (i.e., exercise, reading, writing, etc.).
- Your mind will be more uncluttered than ever before (because the system teaches you how to quickly get things out of your mind and into the system).
- You’ll fall in love with journaling (even more if you already love it).
- You’ll have a space and a system for processing your thoughts and emotions.
- And much more!
Here's a peak at what's inside:
Module 1: Setting Up Your Calendar
Set up your digital calendar to optimize ALL areas of your life (i.e., personal, family, work). - Module 2: Creating EventsGet all upcoming appointments and events (including repeating events) out of your head and into your calendar.
Module 3: Creating Disciplines/Habits
Learn how to add daily disciplines/habits that you want to install into your calendar to ensure you'll follow through on them. -
Module 4: Creating Tasks
Eliminate the need for a separate task manager by integrating your tasks into your calendar. -
Module 5: Planning Routines
Learn yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily planning routines to ensure you're making progress toward achieving your life purpose, vision, and goals. -
Module 6: Journaling
Learn how to integrate your journaling directly into your calendar so you don't need to use another app or system.
The last productivity system you'll ever need, fully customizable to fit your needs...for FREE.
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